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UltraSight Adjustable Red Laser Bore Sighter
“lt is usually not the gun. Even inexpensive guns shoot pretty well these days,” saysJerry Charles Miculek Jr, an American professional speed and competition shooter known for his many world records. “The scope may be loose or damaged, but pretty much any modern bolt-action rifle will shoot well enough. You shouldmake sure your gun is sighted - IN before you go hunting. That should never be an excuse for missing an animal. ”

UltraSight Adjustable Red Laser Bore Sighter
There is nothing more frustrating than missing an easy shot at a target or an animal. lt happens to everyone, of course, but it usually happens because of human error. Still, we blame the weather, even the animal. Some of us even blame the gun.
Suitable for firearms from .22 to .50 caliber. Great for rifles, pistols, and even shotguns.